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Tiny Traveling Tots

Are There Any Visa Requirements For Kids In Taiwan?

So, you’re planning a family trip to Taiwan and wondering if there are any visa requirements for your little ones? Well, good news! This article is here to put your mind at ease and provide you with all the information you need. Taiwan is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and this extends to children as well. Whether you’re traveling with infants or teenagers, you’ll find that visa requirements for kids in Taiwan are quite straightforward. Just read on to discover the simple process and requirements for ensuring a smooth and hassle-free trip for your entire family.

Visa Requirements for Kids in Taiwan

If you are planning to bring your children to Taiwan, it’s important to understand the visa requirements for kids. Whether you are visiting Taiwan for a short vacation or planning to reside in the country, there are different types of visas available for children. This comprehensive article will guide you through the visa options, requirements, necessary documents, duration of stay, and sponsorship details for each type of visa.

Visitor Visa

The visitor visa is suitable for children who are accompanying their parents on a short-term visit to Taiwan. This visa allows children to explore the country’s beautiful tourist attractions and experience its rich culture. The visitor visa is typically granted for a maximum duration of 90 days.

General Requirements

To qualify for a visitor visa, your child must meet certain general requirements. Firstly, they should possess a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond their intended stay in Taiwan. Secondly, children should not have any criminal records or pose a threat to national security.

Documents Required

When applying for a visitor visa for your child, you will need to submit specific documents. These include a completed visa application form, a recent passport-sized photograph, a photocopy of your child’s passport information page, and evidence of financial support that demonstrates your ability to cover their expenses during their stay in Taiwan.

Duration of Stay

The visitor visa for children allows a maximum stay of 90 days. It’s essential to carefully plan your child’s visit to ensure they make the most of their time in Taiwan. Consider exploring the country’s iconic landmarks, indulging in delicious cuisine, and immersing in the vibrant local culture.

Resident Visa

If you and your family plan to reside in Taiwan for an extended period, a resident visa is what you will need for your children. This type of visa is suitable for parents who have secured employment or gained acceptance into an educational institute in Taiwan.

General Requirements

To obtain a resident visa for your child, you must meet certain general requirements. Firstly, you should possess a valid resident visa or a work permit which allows you to stay in Taiwan. Secondly, your child should be below 20 years of age and financially dependent on you.

Documents Required

When applying for a resident visa for your child, you will need to provide specific documents. These include a completed resident visa application form, your child’s birth certificate, a photocopy of their passport information page, proof of your employment or study in Taiwan, and evidence of financial support for your child.


As the parent or guardian, you will be the sponsor of your child’s resident visa application. This means that you must meet certain criteria and responsibilities to ensure the successful issuance of the visa. These responsibilities include providing financial support, ensuring your child’s well-being, and complying with Taiwanese laws and regulations.

Dependent Visa

If you hold a resident visa in Taiwan and wish to bring your child to live with you, the dependent visa is the appropriate option. This visa type is designed for children who are financially dependent on their parent or guardian residing in Taiwan.

General Requirements

To qualify for a dependent visa, your child must fulfill certain general requirements. They must be under 20 years old and financially dependent on you as the sponsor. Additionally, they should not have any criminal records or pose a threat to national security.

Documents Required

When applying for a dependent visa for your child, you will need to provide specific documents. These include a completed dependent visa application form, your child’s birth certificate, a photocopy of their passport information page, proof of your resident visa or work permit in Taiwan, evidence of your financial support for your child, and a declaration of your relationship to the child.


As the sponsor, you will have certain responsibilities when applying for a dependent visa for your child. These responsibilities include financially supporting your child, ensuring their well-being, and complying with Taiwanese laws and regulations. It’s important to understand and fulfill these obligations to ensure a smooth and successful visa application process for your child.

In conclusion, when planning a trip or a relocation to Taiwan with your children, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the visa requirements for kids. Whether you are visiting for a short vacation or planning to reside in Taiwan, understanding the different visa options, their requirements, necessary documents, duration of stay, and sponsorship details will ensure a hassle-free process for you and your child. Remember to submit the required documents accurately and meet the specific criteria for each visa type to ensure the smooth processing of your child’s visa application.

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